The other big thing to come from this patch is the reworking of Lake Wintergrasp. Nothing particularly huge except for the reduced price of pvp items, the addition of ranks, and the increase in health for vehicles and cannons.
I'm not much of a pvp person myself. However, it did directly affect me Wintergrasp caused Northrend to consistently crash when 3.08 went live. This was fixed shortly thereafter with the 3.o8a patch.
Another noteworthy change came with the increased usefulness of the Relic of Ulduar. It is no longer the turn in for a crappy quest but rather the turn in for Sons of Hodir reputation. Great news for those of you unwilling to grind the hell out of dailies and/or those with a rather large stockpile of them.
Finally, as a Mage, the changes most intersting to me came with the Evocation (cooldown reduced to 4 minutes) and Elemental Precision (now called Precision as it effects hit rating with all spells). As an alchemist, my Titanium transmute cooldown was reduced to a day, my Northrend Alchemy Research cooldown was reduced from 7 to 3 days, and my chance to learn a new transmute has been greatly increased. Did I mention an alchemy lab is no longer needed to create flasks?
Overall, not a huge update but a couple cool things regardless. The next patch (3.1) should be quite a sizeable one with the inclusion of the Ulduar raid instance. Cross your fingers, but this could finally include the ability for dual specs as well. ;)
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