Wednesday, February 4, 2009


As a kid, I was a serious Ghostbusters fan. I had everything, from the original NES game to the replica proton-pack to the action figures (including the fire house and Ecto-1). I loved the cartoon as well but nothing came as close to me as the first Ghostbusters movie. In retrospect, the film used a lot of adult humor, much of which I did not fully understand until I had grown up. However, there was something about four guys running around in a technologically decked out white ambulance, catching ghosts, that really drew and appeal. Once of my fondest movie-going moments involved going to the drive-in with my parents and being lied to about what movie we were about to see, only to find out it was Ghostbusters II.

Being someone with a certain fondness for all things retro, especially those with a direct influence on my childhood, you can only imagine my excitement at the announcement of a new Ghostbusters game on the current-gen consoles. I've know about it for some time, but as we get closer to it's release, I continue to be in greater awe the more I see of it. Not only are all of the orignal cast (Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson) back to reprise their roles as voice talent, the game's design is maintaining a strict likeness to the movie franchise. Everything iconic we've come to love from the franchise (the proton packs, the brown jumpsuits, Ecto-1, Slimer, etc) have returned to pull you back into 1980's New York.

I am excited beyond believe. If I had one true wish for this game, it would simply be that this game not suck. Too many games with movie tie-ins are absolutely horrible and it would a major travesty to do this to such a beloved film. At the very least, at it's current state of development, it's looking pretty good.

Please Atari, give us something we can have a complete nerdgasm over.

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