Friday, January 30, 2009

Currently Playing: GEARS OF WAR

That's right, the first one. Being that I haven't had an Xbox 360 until about a month ago, I have missed out on so many great games (Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare to name a few). With all the great things I've heard about the sequel, I finally have a reason to catch up on this title as well as get primed to play Gears of War 2.

Off the bat, Gears is a pretty game. It holds up extremely well against recent titles. My earliest impressions of 360 games was that they incorporated a lot of motion blur in the background while moving the camera. I guess it's meant to make the game feel that much more realistic but, to be honest, I really didn't care for it one bit. Gears incorporates this quite heavily and surprisingly, I'm kind of digging it. Although it has been fun for me so far, I really see Gears as more a show piece than senseless fun. The music is quite good and keeps pace with the action quite well. The cover mechanics are very polished and, as I stated before, the visuals are quite staggering. It's not as run-and-gun as Mercenaries 2 and it's not as technical as COD4, but it is quite the experience to behold. I'm starting to see now why it has received so much acclaim.

Act 1 down, several more to go.

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